Pseudonymisation GDPR Compliant Data Transfer Solution

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In April 2016 the European Commission received approval on the new General Data Protection Regulation, (or GDPR for short.) This regulation introduces more stringent security measures, with regard to how and for what purpose personal data is collected, processed and transferred. In short, businesses had until the 25th of May 2018 to become compliant. Data transfer Compliance represents a significant portion of this undertaking.

If your business transfers data using in-house scripts after May 2018, you’re much more likely to FAIL data protection audits and be exposed to significant fines.

It is no longer enough to say your business transfers files compliantly, you must be able to PROVE you do and provide evidence of such within a 72 hour time frame.

CCJAYS has a proven, fully scalable software solution which simplifies the route to GDPR compliance by providing one central hub for the control, authorisation and transfer of all internal and external data flows, thus removing your reliance on in-house scripts.

Traditional Managed File Transfer solutions focused solely on the transfer of data. CCJAYS however also has privacy and data protection impact assessments integrated into the authorisation workflows, enabling you to prove your dennis’s has been transferred compliantly. Maps provide visibility of all data transfers by risk categories and regions. The CCJAYS solution also anonymise and encrypts data, minimising the need for multiple systems and tools.

Implementing CCJAYS in your business will reduce the heavy administrative and financial burden associated with GDPR by providing you with a straightforward path to achieving and maintain compliance. CCJAYS also helps to ensure you and your business are protected against the potential commercial and reputational repercussions of a data protection breach. For more information visit today! .

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