Google’s SSL Certificate Changes

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What is SSL?
SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer and is sometimes used interchangeably with the term TLS – Transport Layer Security. It’s just a fancy cryptographic protocol that helps encrypt communications over a computer network.

What is HTTPS?
HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. It’s used to transmit secure communications over the internet (HTTP is the non-secure version of HTTPS.)

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In 2014, Google announced a call for HTTPS to be used on every website to make a more secure internet. On 1 October 2017, Google started to roll out (in stages) various security warnings to users attempting to access sites without HTTPS. From July 2018, Google Chrome web browser will begin visibly labeling websites not using HTTPS. In parallel, Mozilla’s FireFox web browser is following.

This will heavily impact the amount of traffic going through a to non-secure site, no matter what SEO you have made.

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Google’s SSL Certificate Changes

Upgrade your website and ensure you don’t suddenly undo all your SEO updates and lose valuable traffic and sales?

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